
General, Rules and Scope

You may only attack systems mentioned in the challenges. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Machines in your team's virtual environment
  • Social engineering/gathering reconnaissance on specific social media profiles mentioned in challenges
  • Downloading files/executables from challenges onto your own machine and reverse-engineering them
  • Any other system specifically mentioned in a challenge

You may not attack a system unless it is mentioned in the challenges. The following are examples of what is off-limits:

  • Attacking machines in OTHER teams' virtual environments
  • Social engineering judge or administator accounts, or those of competitors
  • Infiltrating social networks, Discord servers, or other systems out of scope for solving a particular challenge
  • Attacking any Radford University server or system
  • Attacking any outside server or system
  • Attacking the contest infrastructure itself

No - there can be no form of collaboration between teams or outside individuals (example: you cannot ask an older brother who is a cybersecurity student in college).

There are a variety of consequences teams or individual users may face depending on the severity of the violation, including but not limited to:

  • Loss of points
  • Ban from the VMware virtual environment
  • Removal of a user from the contest
  • Disqualification of a team from the contest
  • Ban from future contests

No. Abusing the registration system, such as by entering gibberish users or by falsifying coach status, is strictly prohibited, and users/teams engaging in this behavior will be removed or disqualified.


Go to the Challenges page, select a challenge, and enter the answer.

This error occurs when you do not have enough team members to compete, per the contest rules. You need a coach and 3 other competitors (totaling 4 members) before you can solve challenges. It will disappear automatically once there are enough team members.

Spectators should not see this message. If you do, please contact us at

Typically, we do not give extra attempts unless we determine there's an error in the challenge. If you think there may be an error, please contact us at

Contact us at and we'll look into it as soon as possible. To prevent abuse, teams are limited to 3 flag challenges/requests for clarification.

Note that the judges' decisions are final. In the case where everyone needs to be made aware of a change, a notification will be posted.


  • First, go to the Team page.
  • Then click the Create Team button.
  • Lastly, enter the desired team name and password, then click Create.

You will be placed on the team as a coach. Share your team name and password with competitors so they can join!

  • First, go to the Team page.
  • Then click the Create Another Team button below the team name. This will take you to the Create Team page.
  • Lastly, enter the desired team name and password, then click Create.

You will be placed on the team as a coach. Share your team name and password with competitors so they can join!

You may want to read the section below to familiarize yourself with managing multiple teams as well.

If you are a coach with more than one team, you will need to switch between teams depending on which team's challenges, members, information, etc. you would like to manage. When switching teams, you will still remain as a coach on all teams, you are just changing what team you are viewing at a given time.

To switch teams, use the Switch To Team dropdown menu at the top-right of the site. You can then select which team you would like to view.

Note that challenges that one team has solved will appear as unsolved when you switch to a team that has not solved those challenges.

To change the team name, password, or school affiliation, go to the Team page, then click the Edit Team button below the team name. Invalid data will appear with a red outline.

To change the team captain, go to the Team page, then click the Choose Captain button below the team name.

If a member has mistakenly joined the wrong team, you may need to remove them from the team.

To remove a member, go to the Team page, then click the icon beside the team member, and confirm that you would like to remove the member.

When removing a member, ALL of their challenge solves, attempts, awards and unlocked hints will be PERMANENTLY deleted.

User Accounts

If a user forgets their password, they can have their password reset by contacting the contest organizers by email at

Virtual Environment

Coming Soon